
Showing posts from June, 2022

Major Hypocrites at Metro Stores

 June 9, 2022 I am now going after Metro - AND INTACT INSURANCE (their insurance company) because of all the dicking around they've done. The insurance company inadvertantly admitted to me that the Metro store owned by Bruno Lemay's family IS at fault for my injury, but they STILL ARE NOT GOING TO GIVE ME ANYTHING FOR IT.  Oh yeah sure they said they'd reimburse my bills for physio therapy, but as I explained to them I am a senior citizen on a fixed income and I can't afford to pay for 2 sessions of physio a week upfront and then wait eons for them to reimburse me. If I do that I don't pay for anything else nor eat for that matter. So now I'm going to take them down any way I can.  I'm going to start by highlighting what kind of hypocrites they are USING THEIR OWN PUBLICITY AND WORDS AGAINST THEM. Tough shit if they don't like it. That's their problem. I am also still in the process of looking for a lawyer and as soon as I can find any mainstream med