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Metro Plus, Metro Richelieu & plain Metro Store

Injury 'n' Loss Victims Blog

May 5, 2022

As promised both on my blog: A Canadian Senior Citizen Coping With COVID 19 Concerns  on May 2nd, and to Mme. Elaine Savard via a without prejudice email to her, that I would start my campaign to find as many victims of the various Metro stores across Quebec & Ontario in order to start a class action lawsuit in order to be compensated for the various injuries and losses we've all sustained due to their negligence, as they refuse to compensate us otherwise, it seems like. 

Well when you have an insurance policy with a $50,000.00 deductible (if Mme. Savard was telling the truth about that) then you can understand why no one gets compensated for small claims under that as there is no insurance policy to cover such claims and as it comes directly out of Metro's coffers they refuse to pay unless it seems like they are sued for such claims. 

For most of us with small claims (less than a few thousand dollars) it's basically not worth it to us to launch such lawsuits as the legal fees will eat up whatever claims we manage to get from the courts. But maybe if we band together and launch one massive class action lawsuit against them, then we'll be paid either by them or their insurance company, but either way we may be able to get something out of the deal for our own injuries and losses.

Personally, I think such insurance policies for commercial companies with such high deductibles should be illegal, unless the commercial companies with those high deductibles (like the Metro conglomerate of stores) should be forced by law to pay those smaller claims out of their own coffers, without forcing the injury and loss victims to go to court to get such monies. 

So therefore I am launching that campaign to find as many Metro Plus, Metro Richelieu and plain Metro stores victims of neglect as possible in order to find a lawyer who's willing to represent us in a class action suit against them.

So if you have ever been injured on their property (fallen and broken a bone or sustained other fall related injuries) due to their negligence (ie: ice on property or wet floors), and told the manager about it or had a police report or any witnesses to the fall with their names and contact information (in order to prove it) or broken a tooth on a supposed to be pitted Selection brand Olive for instance (or some other injury or illness caused by their Selection brandname products) and notified the store manager where you bought the item and if after notifying them they did nothing to compensate you for your injury or illness - you qualify for this as well.

Then the loss part is for those commercial businesses who are renting their business space from one of those Metro conglomerates (as it is common practice for the Metro of a small mall area to own the entire mall) who has suffered from losses of income, or due to stock damage due to their negligence and have not been remunerated for such losses by Metro and wish to add a claim as well in this class action suit you're more than welcome. Perhaps if there's a enough claims like this showing up here, then perhaps there can be a commercial class action suit against Metro separate from the personal injury class action lawsuit. 

As for my story you can read it at the link at the top of this page, if it's no longer the current page by the time you get there, just click on Metro related links in right label panel and you'll get there. 

If you wish to add your name to this class action lawsuit, you can send a private email to: metroinjurynlossvictims@outlook.com  with your name, contact information and a brief description of your injury or loss that you wish to claim for and amount you are seeking in compensation. 

Eventually when there are enough people coming forward with claims against them we can try to get a lawyer who'd be willing to represent us in a class action lawsuit against them and hopefully get some compensatory justice.


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